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FN0156-RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon) - Halibut - Fishery Opening March 1, 2020
For 2020, the recreational halibut fishery allocation is 877,750 pounds.
The following measures will be in effect coast-wide as noted below:
Effective at 00:01 hours March 1, 2020 fishing for halibut will be opened coast-
wide until further notice.
The 2019/2020 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licences and Conditions of Licence, are in effect until March 31, 2020. The 2020/2021 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licences and Conditions of Licence are in effect on April 1, 2020 until March 31, 2021.
Limits and sizes:
Effective March 1, 2020 until further notice:
The maximum length for halibut is 126 cm (97 cm head-off).
The daily limit for halibut is one (1).
The possession limit for halibut is either of:
one (1) halibut measuring 90 cm to 126 cm in length (69 cm to 97 cm head-off),
two (2) halibut, each measuring under 90 cm in length (69 cm head-off).
The annual limit is six (6) halibut per licence holder per licence year, as
set out on the 2019/2020 & 2020/21 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence.
All halibut retained by the licence holder between March 1, 2020 and March 31, 2020 shall be immediately recorded in ink on the 2019/2020 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence. The area from which each halibut is caught and its head-on length shall immediately be recorded on the licence.
All halibut retained by the licence holder between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 shall be immediately recorded in ink on the 2020/2021 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence.
The area from which each halibut is caught and its head-on length shall immediately be recorded on the licence.
Head-off measurements are made from the base of the pectoral fin at its most forward point to the extreme end of the middle of the tail.
The exceptions to these openings are:
Areas 121
No person shall fish for or retain halibut, rockfish and lingcod in Area 121 outside the 12 nautical mile limit seaward of a line that begins at 48 degrees 34.000 minutes and 125 degrees 17.386 minutes W and continues south easterly at a bearing of 116 degrees True to a point at 48 degrees 28.327 minutes and 125 degrees 01.687 minutes W.
Area 121
Closed to all finfish, year round in the waters of Swiftsure Bank, inside a line from 48 degrees 34.00 minutes N and 125 degrees 06.00 minutes W, thence to 48 degrees 34.00 minutes N and 124 degrees 54.20 minutes W, thence to 48 degrees 29.62 minutes N and 124 degrees 43.40 minutes W, thence following the International Boundary between Canada and the U.S. to 48 degrees 29.55 minutes N and 124 degrees 56.20 minutes W, thence in a straight line to the point of commencement.
Variation Orders 2020-RCT-062 (Close Time) and 2020-RFQ-63 (Quota)
Non-residents of Canada wishing to fish for and retain halibut in Management
Areas 121, 23 and 123 must purchase an electronic licence through a Canadian
Independent Access Provider (IAP). Find an IAP location from our web page:
Note: Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) and Glass Sponge Reef (GSR) closures
remain in effect - refer to the following web pages for descriptions:
Anglers are reminded of the mandatory condition of licence for the release of
rockfish; all anglers in vessels shall immediately return all rockfish that are
not being retained to the water and to a similar depth from which they were
caught by use of an inverted weighted barbless hook or other purpose-built
descender device.
Contacts: Brad Beaith (South Coast - WCVI) – (250)756-7190, Erika Watkins
(South Coast- ECVI) - (250)286-5882, Darren Chow (North Coast) – (250)627-
3441, Greg Hornby (Regional Recreational Coordinator) - (250)286-5886
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0156
Sent February 25, 2020 at 10:03
Visit us on the Web at
If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail to:
FN0311-RECREATIONAL - Rockfish and Lingcod: Coast-wide Management Measures
Daily Limits and Close Times - In effect starting April 1, 2019 (Outside Waters)
and May 1, 2019 (Inside Waters)
Effective April 1, 2019 and May 1, 2019, the following recreational daily
limits and close times apply to Rockfish and Lingcod in North and South Coast
waters as described. These management measures are required to reduce fishing
impacts on rockfish in general and identified species of rockfish.
Possession Limits are twice the Daily Limits for Rockfish and Lingcod as
described below.
North Coast - Areas 1 to 10, 101 to 110, 130, 142 – AND - South Coast (Outside
waters) - Areas 11, 21 to 27, 111, 123 to 127, Subareas 12-14 and 20-1 to 20-4,
and Area 121 (excluding that portion outside the 12 nautical mile limit seaward
of a line that begins at 48 degrees 34.00' north latitude and 125 degrees
17.386' west longitude and continues southeasterly at a bearing of 116 degrees
True to a point at 48 degrees 28.327' north latitude and 125 degrees 01.687'
west longitude).
Daily limits: Rockfish, all species combined three (3), only one (1) of
which may be a Quillback rockfish, a Tiger rockfish, or a China rockfish.
Zero (0) retention for Yelloweye rockfish and Bocaccio rockfish
Daily limits: Lingcod two (2).
Open time: April 1 to November 15
Close time: November 16 to March 31
South Coast (Inside waters) - Areas 13 to 19 and Subareas 12-1 to 12-13, 12-15
to 12-48, 20-5 to 20-7 and 29-5
Daily limits: Rockfish, all species combined – one (1)
Daily Limits: Lingcod – one (1)
Open time: May 1 to September 30
Close time: October 1 to April 30
Area 28 and Subareas 29-1 to 29-4 and 29-6 to 29-17 are
closed for Rockfish and Lingcod April 1, 2019 to March 31,
2020 (year round).
If you wish to retain salmon in any tidal waters:
- You must obtain a Tidal Water Sport Fishing licence AND purchase a salmon conservation stamp online:
- Check daily, possession and size limits and closures online:
- All tidal area closures and recreational fishing limits and restrictions still apply.
- Record your catch in ink on your licence if you retain any Chinook salmon.
If you wish to fish for other species and in Areas not specified above:
- You do not require a licence to fish tidal waters during the Family Fishing Weekend.
- Check daily, possession and size limits and area closures online:
Juvenile licences for children aged 15 and under are free all year round, and may be obtained as described below.
If you already have a valid Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence, you must carry your licence with you and record your catch in ink on your licence for the species specified in your licence conditions (halibut, lingcod, chinook salmon).
If you wish to retain lingcod in the areas specified above, or halibut or salmon in any tidal waters during the Family Fishing Weekend, plan ahead!
Licences are available online from June 12 2017 and can be obtained via any computer connected to the internet at (or by using web search key words “Recfish Licence”). Once you register, you will also be able to replace a lost licence or renew future licences through the National
FishingBC App
The FishingBC app, Apple version is available now with the Android version coming soon. It ’s free, and is already providing thousands of anglers with real-time access to regulations and other fishing-friendly features. Anglers can find species and area specific regulations through map tools which identify their current location and species of interest. Because of how DFO has organized information to be delivered to the app, anglers now have access to virtually everything they need to know on their portable electronic devices. In addition to providing current regulatory information, the Fishing BC app has several other important features:
• It holds an electronic copy of your recreational licence and a permanent record of your catch log;
•It allows photos and entries to be shared by social media or e-mail directly from the app
IF you have an Apple iphone get the app today and in preperation for the coming season.
A link to the app store here or on the icons below
To view the online Saltwater regulations please click here
For info on Fraser River including graphs for Fraser RiverTemperature and Discharge click here
For department of fisheries information for openings please click here or alternatively here
For information on salmon fishing opportunities, please call the salmon information line at (604)666-8266.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada appreciates your assistance in reporting illegal fishing activity. Anyone with information can call the 24-hour, toll-free Observe, Record, Report line at 1-800-465-43361-800-465-4336
For Sockeye opening information try the DFO 24 hour recorded line at 604-666-2828604-666-2828 or outside the lower mainland
1- 866-431-FISH
or visit DFO on the Web here
For more information on openings and or closures click here
For Freshwater regulations and changes please click here
14651 Westminster Hwy
Richmond, BC
Phone:(604) 273 5901
Fax: (604) 273 5980
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